Image by David Mark from Pixabay
On behalf of animals suffering in labs, deserving of better days, and who are so very vulnerable, we wish to thank the following donors and supporters for caring enough to make a difference.
Donors since this page was started:
Allan, Andrew, Anja, Anne, Annie-Marie, Cheryl, Clay, Crystal, Ericka, Elisabeth, Dorcas, Greg. Hinda ,Inge, Jacob, Janice, Jennifer, Jodey, Karl, Katherine, Lana, Laura-Leah, Layne, Linda, Lori, Maidie, Margaret, Maureen, Michelle, Noelle, Richard, Renea, Roy, Sanaz, Shari, Shawna, Vernon, Willow
Those Who Provided Other Important Goods and Services
Aman (Media Planet), Alex (Eternal Abundance), Allan, Crystal, Daphne, (brEAThe Kitchen), Fairy Cakes, Gorilla Foods, Kelly, Graham (cartoonist), LUSH, Linda, Martin (Manicanet), Maureen (Graphic Artist), Michelle (Artist), Olivier, Teresa (Artist), Twyla (Artist), Vegan Supply, Virtuous Pies, Martiza (Author, Children’s Books)
Image by Erik Karits from Pixabay