Live Animal Exports Banned In the UK: A Win for Farmed Animals

Image by Fred Lehmann from Pixabay

Our thanks to Vancouver Humane Society for sharing the good news below. It’s one of three good news pieces they sent out. So often the news is bad. How nice to to be able to share some positive progress!

Congratulations to animal allies across the pond! After years of advocacy, a law was passed in the UK banning the live export of farmed animals like cows, pigs, sheep, horses, and goats for slaughter and fattening abroad.

Farmed animals suffer greatly on long transport journeys, enduring long periods of time without food, water, or rest. They are packed together in overcrowded conditions and can face extreme temperatures, leading to injuries, illness, and deaths.

The Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Act in the UK was met with cross party support and passed into law on May 20 when it received Royal Assent. This new legislation marks enormous progress for the well-being of farmed animals.

Here in Canada, a similar bill to ban the live export of horses for slaughter is currently in Senate after being passed at the House of Commons.

Read the article

From Vancouver Humane Society

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