Shut Down Baby Octopus Lab!
Our thanks to EKO for the information below and opportunity to take action by signing a petition.
A new factory farming nightmare is unfolding—seafood giant Grupo Profand just got the green light to experiment on baby octopuses in Spain.
Their goal? Cracking the code on captive breeding to pave the way for the world’s first octopus farm. We’ve stopped this type of torture before—and we can do it again.
For years, we’ve been fighting to stop Nueva Pescanova’s plan to open an octopus farm in the Canary Islands—and it’s working. Thanks to relentless public pressure, their plans have stalled, and the backlash has been a PR disaster. What was meant to be a groundbreaking project is now stuck in limbo, proving that our movement can stop this industry in its tracks.
Now Grupo Profand is trying to pick up where they left off. If we don’t act now, they’ll use this lab to build the blueprint for mass-producing octopuses in cruel, unnatural conditions.
If enough of us raise a global outcry, we can shut this down before it begins–just like we did with Nueva Pescanova.
This new lab will experiment on baby octopuses by manipulating their larval development—a critical hurdle that has prevented octopus farming from scaling up.
This is how factory farming starts. First, they figure out how to breed animals in captivity, then they scale up to mass production, locking intelligent, sentient creatures into a life of suffering for profit.
Grupo Profand claims this is about “sustainability”—that farming octopuses will ease pressure on wild populations. But octopuses aren’t livestock. They’re sentient, intelligent creatures who use tools, solve puzzles, and even dream.
Let’s make one thing clear: Grupo Profand isn’t running this lab for conservation or science; they’re engineering a supply chain. If we don’t stop it now, octopuses will become the next victims of industrial farming.
This is the moment our movement was made for—and we know we can win because we’ve done it before. When California passed a landmark law banning octopus farming, our global outcry helped make it happen. And when hundreds of thousands of us spoke out against Nueva Pescanova’s plans, we pushed their project into total deadlock.
Now, it’s time to do it again—before Grupo Profand turns factory-farmed octopuses into reality.
More Information
Grupo Profand given the go-ahead for experimental octopus hatchery in Galicia
misPeces 24 January 2025
Grupo Profand obtiene luz verde para su criadero de pulpo en A Borna, Moaña
misPeces 24 January 2025