The Cull of Coyotes in Vancouver’s Stanley Park

Image by Edo Emmerig from Pixabay 

The BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources has decided to cull 35 coyotes in Stanley Park. Sadly, culling has already begun. Humans, not coyotes are the real problem. There have been problems with people feeding coyotes or attracting them with food garbage. But, as usual it is the animals who pay the price.

There is a petition that outlines some of the issues. Here is its text with a link at the bottom to sign.

Text from the care2 “Save Stanely Park Coyotes!” petition:

A petition was created to kill all the coyotes at Stanley Park. The petitioner isn’t aware of the facts and consequences of removing the coyotes of Stanley Park. Sadly, his signed supporters are asking to kill the coyotes, at this has influenced the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources to decide to cull the coyotes.

A petition was created to kill all the coyotes at Stanley Park. The petitioner isn’t aware of the facts and consequences of removing the coyotes of Stanley Park. Sadly, his signed supporters are asking to kill the coyotes, at this has influenced the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources to decide to cull the coyotes.

But too many issues are at stake here.

Why do the coyotes have to be trapped and killed, when disobedient humans are the ones ignoring the warnings? Irresponsible people and parents keep going to the park after dark, and let their kids run and scream like if they would be at their own place.

Warning signs and closure of the park trails should have been done long time ago. Anyone trespassing should get a heavy fine. More enforcement is needed to deal with all these problematic people. Human lack of common sense and challenging the warnings, is the main issue that needs to be urgently addressed here.

The Vancouver Park Board could have done more to get to this point. They should have added more warning signs and closed the trails months ago. Managing the environment rather than the coyote population through a continuous combination of education, enforcement and investigation has been shown to bring the widest and longest lasting results.

This whole issue has been poorly managed since the beginning. The general public lack of concern and awareness is a very serious problem, and this is the real source of all the coyote-human conflicts which have happened in that park. A wide education and awareness are urgently needed, to educate the public about coexisting with coyotes and how to safely avoid coyote-human conflicts. Enforcement at the park and fines to anyone who disobeys the law must become stronger. Currently, the people do not take it seriously.

 These are the proper solutions to the problem. Culling the coyotes because of human fault is immoral and senseless.

It is not too late to do the right thing, and to stop demonizing the coyotes. The general public lack of concern and awareness is a very serious problem, and this is the real source of all the coyote-human conflicts which have happened. A wide education and awareness are urgently needed, to educate the public about coexisting with coyotes and how to avoid coyote-human conflicts.

Enforcement at the park and fines to anyone who disobeys the law must get stronger. The same is with the constant feeding of coyotes and other wildlife openly. All these issues need to be addressed immediately by a joint collaboration between the Vancouver Park Board, the Vancouver City Council, the BC Conservation Officer Service and the Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations & Rural Development.

Please, SAVE THE STANLEY PARK COYOTES by not killing them!

In the worse case escenario, relocate them into the interior of BC. Coyotes are extremely adaptable hunters. 

Keep theglobal reputation of Stanley Park clean, not tarnished with the coyotes blood!


From care2 Petitions, “Save Stanely Park Coyotes!”

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