Take Action to Support Paul Watson Who is Facing Prison

Image from the Paul Watson Foundation

Our friend, SB Julian recently sent out the letter below regarding the arrest of Paul Watson who is facing a 15 year prison sentence for his humanitarian/conservationist activism. It includes some excellent links and suggestions for taking action. Please take a moment to support Paul Watson.

Dear Whale Defenders and supporters of marine activism,

Paul Watson was arrested in Greenland July 21 by Danish police, and is in jail while Japan demands his extradition for trial in Japan for opposing the Japanese whale slaughter 10 years ago.

A clear description of the legal situation is here:

“After Paul Watson’s Arrest, Will He Be Extradited to Stand Trial?” https://maritime-executive.com/editorials/after-paul-watson-s-arrest-will-he-be-extradited-to-japan

This heroic senior citizen is facing a 15 year prison sentence for his lifelong humanitarian/ conservationist activism, thanks to a vindictive vendetta based on Japanese national pride.

Many groups are building support for the campaign to free Watson.  Here’s the Watson Foundation’s own account:

“Breaking News: Captain Paul Watson Detained in Greenland — Captain Paul Watson Foundation” https://www.paulwatsonfoundation.org/captain-paul-watson-ambushed-and-arrested-in-greenland/

Canadian law firm AnimalJustice.ca is asking Canadians to email the Danish Embassy (ottemb@um.dk). The Ambassador is Hanne Fugl Eskjaer.

Also email Denmark’s Minister of Justice (Peter Hummelgaard): jm@jm.dk to request Watson’s quick release (see the interesting legal intricacies in the ‘Maritime-Executive’ article cited above).

What position does the Canadian Government take? Ask PM Trudeau, at justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca,  and pm@pm.gc.ca (France has already officially demanded Watson’s release.)

Japan is aiming to re-launch commercial whaling in the North Pacific in 2025, now preparing a slaughter- factory-ship.

Yours in despair,

S. Barbara Julian, OrcamonthBC

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